Monday, June 9, 2014

EGO eats: Refreshing, Low-Carb Noodle Soup!

Hi Egos, how have you been doing? I'm sorry about this little hiatus of mine but change is in the air and that has kept my mind occupied. So let's quickly move on to today's topic! Summer is the time of the year when every movement has me sweating all over the place. So it's basically the perfect occasion for lazy cooking. A simple soup with premade broth, instant noodles and some shallots.

As mentioned before when I cook something that needs a chicken broth I usually just buy liquid one.That one is fairly healthy, doesn't take too much effort and is ideal for households with one or two people. All you have to do is add some water to it and then you can start your soup!

In summer we all love everything cold. Drinks, ice cream, the pool, the air - everything. But what a lot of people tend to forget is that your body starts warming up whenever you try to cool it down. So a warm soup will actually help your body cool down. That's why this soup is totally refreshing! Should you like to eat it cold anyways you might want to cook it with a less fatty broth.

I hope I could give you some inspiration for your next dinner or lunch - or breakfast :D

C U Egos!
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